
Templete Parser Engine:

Templateparser Engine Since 2002 will Templete Parser Engine be developed. This Engine enabled you with SQL-Commands, simply HTML- and TPEL-Tags to create extensive modular programms with MySQL-Databaseaccess.
The Version 1.2 with GNU-GPL Version if for free. The newsworthy Version 1.4 is for by or rent. The Version 5.0 will by generated prospective at April 2006.

Hilpfilly Bashscripts:

To copy some fils from FOLDER1 into FOLDER2 can be maked with cd FOLDER1; cp x1 x2 x3 x4 ... FOLDER2. If this procedure is to circumstantial, so you can use my Bash-Script vcp, which expects two parameters FOLDER1 and FOLDER2. In a loop will the user asked for each File from FOLDER1 if he liks to copy it to FOLDER2.


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